Cybersecurity 101

What is Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting and recovering computer systems, networks, mobile devices and programs from various types of cyberattacks. And at Advanced Office Systems, we offer a variety of services that help to introduce a cybersecurity plan of action into our client’s IT infrastructure.

Why is Cybersecurity Important?

Without cybersecurity, your company is a target for cyber threats. These threats can have a serious and negative impact on your business. For example, a significant portion of many companies’ data is most likely sensitive. A breach could result in the theft of this information, expensive fines and a loss of trust from your current and potential customers. Learn more about how you can start protecting your data today.

How to Protect your Company with Cybersecurity?

First, educate your employees. In 2019, human error was the leading cause of data breaches. By creating awareness and providing training on identifying and dealing with cyberattacks, you can reduce the majority of risk and avoid breaches. Next, we recommend responding to threats and attacks as quickly as possible. Third, having a cybersecurity plan in place will ensure that you can prevent, detect and respond to breaches promptly. 

Our managed IT services are designed to help small businesses avoid these breaches and can help reduce your risk and prevent cyberattacks from happening to you. Contact us today to learn more about the variety of services we offer and get started on creating a cybersecurity plan of your own.